DIY Christmas Ornaments from Green Kid Crafts

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One of our Christmas traditions is to make Christmas ornaments that the kids can all enjoy for years to come. In years past, I would run to the craft store to buy pipe cleaners, pom poms, popsicle sticks, etc. Now, with Green Kid Crafts, you can help Christmas ornament craft kits delivered right to your door.

We ordered the Felt Tree Ornament and Swirly Ornament Craft kits from the Green Kid Crafts website. You’ll see below the packages that we got (minus the box, which we’ll write about in another Green Kid Crafts review.

I especially love these individual craft kits because they come prepackaged with all of the materials you need to complete the crafts.

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Felt Tree Ornament Craft

The first craft we worked on was the Felt Tree Ornament Craft. It has an instruction card, several felt circles, a sticky backed brown felt piece for the trunk, a wooden dowel, red ribbon, and 2 felt stars with string attached to hang the ornament. The felt circles are nice and heavy, not flimsy felt that you would typically buy at the craft store.

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Here is the Felt Tree Ornament instruction card. This is a really simple, non-messy craft and could be assemble by a child ages 3 and up, with the help of an adult. I really love non-messy crafts!

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Noah, who is 6 years old, wanted to make these crafts to help get ready for Christmas. The first step was to line up all of the felt circles so the largest felt circles were on the bottom of the tree, and the smallest felt circles were on the top of the tree. This was a good logical exercise for him, and probably really good for the younger child who is learning how to order objects.

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The second step was to take expose the sticky back of the brown felt piece, and stick it to the wooden dowel to make the tree trunk. Noah also had to make sure to keep the brown felt piece straight while rolling, which he did need my help with.

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The fourth step was to tie a red ribbon to the tree trunk so it wouldn’t unfold. Noah tried to tie the bow himself, but he also needed my help with this. He still needs to learn to tie shoes – but that will happen once he stops wearing velcro shoes!

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The fifth step was to stack the felt circles on top of the dowel. Noah could do this step all by himself!

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The last step was to sandwich the top of the wooden dowel between the adhesive stars. The string was already attached so that was a bonus! Update: We recommend using a hot glue gun to make sure wooden dowel sticks to the stars. Our star separated from the wooden down, but hot glue made it stick.

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This was the finished Felt Christmas Tree! I really do adore this craft and this ornament will be on our Christmas tree for years to come! Aren’t the colors gorgeous?

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Swirly Ornaments Craft

The second craft we worked on was the Swirly Ornaments Craft. It has an instruction card, 2 clear ornament bulbs, 3 bottles of acrylic paint (in green, deep metallic gold, and light metallic gold), and 2 ribbons.

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Here is the instruction card. With paint, I was preparing for a very messy outcome, but this craft ended up being pretty neat. Noah did roll up his long sleeves, but we didn’t need a smock at all!

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We did use an empty box to contain the mess just in case. Noah started squirting dabs of the acrylic paint into each ornament half. He started with green.

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Then he went to the deep metallic gold.

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Then he squirted in the light metallic gold.

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Then we snapped the ornament halves together, and Noah shook the paint up inside the ornament. He really loved this part and eventually got the whole ornament covered! Once you shake them, you need to open up the ornament halves again and let them dry. We dried ours overnight and they were ready to put back together the next day.

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This was the finished Swirly Ornament, along with the Felt Tree Ornament. Noah loved both of these crafts and we’ll get to see them year after year on our Christmas tree.

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If you’d like to buy these DIY ornament craft kits, you can get the Felt Tree Ornament Craft Kit and Swirly Ornament Craft Kit at Green Kid Crafts. Right now, they are 40% off, no coupon code needed!

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