Creatology Holiday Traditional Foam House

Last night, Noah and I assembled the second of the Creatology holiday foam houses that we bought at Michael's last weekend (the first was the 3D paper train craft kit) This foam house is the Creatology holiday “traditional house” 3D foam kit, but I would say the only thing that is traditional about it is the structure. The rest of the decoration very modern and festive!

These are the materials that you get with the kit. It comes with 99 pieces, some that interlock like puzzle pieces, and some that have a self-adhesive backing. The box says you need glue, but I was pleasantly suprised to find that we could use mini glue dots to complete this project! Other foam structures that we have assembled in the past did need a hot glue gun, which I prefer not to use around my little ones.

Creatology Christmas Traditional House Parts
Creatology Christmas Traditional House Parts

Noah was extremely into putting this house together. I'm an engineer by degree, so he must have gotten some of my genes. I was extremely impressed with how well this house was engineered and how well the pieces fit together.

Creatology Christmas Construction
Creatology Christmas Construction

I also loved how the foam pieces themselves helped me talk to Noah about shapes (this is a square, this piece is a triangle) and everyday objects (this is a window, this is a door). He already knows what these things are, but I am big on repetition and speech stimulation for my kids – especially in the 0-3 range.

Creatology Christmas House Construction
Creatology Christmas House Construction

Here are some shots of the finished house and the assembly process. The only other supplies, aside from glue dots, we needed were a toothpick to punch out the pre-cut holes in the foam pieces and some scissors to cut out off the excess shingle pieces and snow drifts.

The only pieces that needed glue dots were the pre-printed Santa, wreath, bows, and some parts of the tree.

I really did love how colorful this holiday foam house was, and how sturdy it is. My kids love characters (any, really!), so the Santa on this house was a nice touch for them!

Creatology Holiday Traditional Foam House
Creatology Holiday Traditional Foam House

Our kids woke up this morning to find a little visitor on their house! Our elf on the shelf is always looking for festive places to appear every morning. 🙂

Creatology Christmas House Elf on the Shelf
Creatology Christmas House Elf on the Shelf

Have you put any of the Michael's foam houses together? I am looking forward to putting together the third house with my kiddos!

Happy Crafting!


4 thoughts on “Creatology Holiday Traditional Foam House

  1. Genessa says:

    I noticed your most recent blog post in December 2013 and that you no longer do subscriptions for kids’ crafts. I have a two year old and just found you so I was elated and then a bit bummed. My question is, I notice that you have a Thanksgiving craft kid for sale as a one-time purchase. Will you be offering a seasonal kit going forward that we can purchase one at a time? If so, could you possibly blog post it or send out an email to those interested? I’d be interested in buying your kits each season if I was notified. My 19-month-old already uses scissors and glue very well and I like to challenge him with new crafting ideas and your stuff looks amazing! He’s going to have so much fun with the thanksgiving kit so I’m really hoping you are continuing to create kits and could let me know as they are available. Thanks!

    • Carolyn Nguyen says:

      Hi Genessa – thanks so much for ordering our Thanksgiving craft kit! We are planning on re-stocking the individual craft kits. If you subscribe to our email list (https:/newsletter-subscription/), we’ll notify you when new craft kits are available. Thanks! Carolyn

  2. Linda Ward says:

    Carolyn I am new to your site and so enjoy your projects,Can you tell me what kind of glue is required to put some of the Creatology foam crafts together.
    thank you so much

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